
Help / Image optimisation customer setting

Optimisation réglage client

When setting up your print, the "Image Optimisation" option with the choice "Customer Settings" allows you to keep the characteristics of the image and corresponds to the absence of correction on our part.

We print with the settings you have made to your image before uploading it.

Preserving the characteristics of the image is a principle that has existed since the start of PICTO Online.
Therefore, "Customer settings" is naturally the default choice for all accounts created before February 3, 2020.

You can change this default choice from the new "My preferences" menu in "My account".

If you are satisfied with the rendering of your prints made in the past with Picto Online, choose "Customer setting".

The use of this option requires from you a good mastery of image preparation for printing with colorimetric techniques: ICC profile, screen calibration, print observation conditions,...
Your original image displayed on your screen calibrated with our ICC profiles will be in "Client Adjustment" optimisation very close to the final print rendering.

If you wish to keep the native ICC profile in your image or workspace (Adobe RGB (1998), sRGB or other), we will automatically perform the colorimetric conversion to the chosen paper/printer.

Picto Online - Quickly assess the rendering of your screen
Picto Online - Visualize your images and yours prints
Picto Online - Settle and calibrate a screen

The "Image Optimisation" option is available when setting up your print run:

You can select other image optimisation options: