
Murakumo Natural 42g (on Epson)

Murakumo Natural 42g (on Epson)

Warm tone Japanese paper showing its slightly fibrous texture. Brings a tactile beauty to your photos. Fine and very durable
Awagami Murakumo Natural 42g

A surprising paper containing 90% de fibre naturelle de kozo (écorce enveloppant les branches du mûrier) et de 10% cellulose, natural Murakumo paper is characterized by its raw and organic texture.

Fine (0-16 mm) but particularly durable at the same time, this support reveals delicately marbled fibers.

It lends a natural warmth to your images.

This paper helping to save valuable resources and protect the environment.

Gamut Extra large Gamut
Resolution 300 DPI Resolution
Free size Free size
Max width 150 cm Max width
Permanency Permanency

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