
Help / Apply a print model

Define a template print and apply it to other prints

We offer two functions in the print setup page: "Define template" and "Apply to all" for a precise and quick application of a template print setup to a batch of prints.

"Apply to all" has evolved but remains on the same principle with additional options. If you wish, you can also select the application of certain parameters of the template configuration and/or select the images concerned.

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All the prints in your basket are now in the sample print configuration.

Manage multiple print batches with multiple templates

If you want to go further, we propose here a method to manage more easily several print batches to be set up with several templates. You can of course use other methods as you wish.

Preparing file names

Before uploading your images, identify your print formats by adding a letter (or a number) to the beginning of your file names, for example

Manage file names with "Sort by"

After uploading your images, once you have prepared your first print template by clicking on "Define as template", you click on "Apply template" and then "Modify configuration".».

In the "Sort by" section at the bottom of the window, you will find several types of sorting, including alphanumeric sorting ("Names (A-Z)"), which allows you to more easily locate the files in the same print batch.

By choosing the "Names (A-Z)" sort, the names of the images are displayed one after the other, independently of the order in which they were uploaded to the basket.
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You select the files concerned by your sample print and uncheck the others, then click on "Validate": the parameters of the sample print will be applied only to the checked files.

Example of use

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Your first sample print whose file name starts with A, for example A_Aurore.jpg, is for the 10x15 cm format: using the sorting by "Names (A-Z)" you can find and tick the files in the list that also start with A.

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After clicking on "Submit", only the files that were checked are in the 10x15 cm format.

For the other batch of prints to be put in 18x24 cm, you define in your basket a new sample print whose file name starts with B.

By using the sorting by "Names (A-Z)" you can find and tick the files in the list that also start with B.

Once validated, only the checked files are in 18x24cm format.

For the last batch of prints to be put in 24x30 cm, you define in your basket a new model print whose file name starts with C.

By using the sorting by "Names (A-Z)" you find and tick the files in the list that also start with C.

Once validated, only the checked files are in 24x30cm format.

In the details:

Choose the parameters to be applied

NB: Your choice of a master value, the small or the large dimension, the Width or the Height, necessarily modifies the other value.

The result of the modification may vary according to the homothety of each image in relation to the image of the model print. Once validated, we recommend that you check the final dimensions of your prints on the Summary page.

Sort the prints to be modified

The list of images contained in the basket is displayed in list mode, they are all checked by default. You can use the main box "Check/uncheck all" to quickly filter your choices.

You can sort the contents of your basket by: